Sunday, December 4, 2011

Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Burns

!±8± Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Burns

Nutrition and Supplementation

Increase your protein intake and consume 5000 to 6000 calories daily to aid in tissue repair and healing. It is important to drink plenty of liquids, preferably water, during the healing process.

Once you have treated the burn locally, these daily supplements should speed healing:

Most Important

free-form amino acid complex (as directed on label)-promotes the healing of tissues

potassium (99 mg)-replaces potassium lost from burns

colloidal silver (as directed on label)-a natural antibiotic and disinfectant that promotes healing

vitamin A (100,000 IU for one month, then reduce to 50,000 IU (Before taking this high dosage, check with your healthcare provider. It must only be taken under supervision. Do not exceed 8000 IU daily if you are pregnant)-needed for tissue repair; best assimilated if used in emulsion form

mixed carotenoid formula (25,000 IU)-a precursor of vitamin A and an antioxidant

vitamin B complex (100 mg with food)-promotes the healing of skin tissue

vitamin C with bioflavonoids (10,000 mg immediately after a burn, 2000 mg 3 times a day until healed)-an antioxidant essential in the formation of collagen; promotes the healing of burns

vitamin E (start with 600 IU and increase slowly to 1600 IU)-heals and prevents scarring (You can open a capsule and apply directly to the scar once healing has begun.)

zinc (30 mg 3 times daily, not to exceed a total of 100 mg from all supplements)-heals tissues

Also Recommended

selenium (200 mcg)-protects skin from antioxidant damage

glutathione (200 mg)-protects skin from antioxidant damage

(Take supplements until your symptoms subside. If symptoms persist, seek the advice of your health care provider.)


For first and second-degree burns, immediately apply lavender oil to the area. Alternatively, you can fill a bowl with cold water and ice, add 3 to 6 drops of lavender oil, and make a cold compress. Apply the compress to the burned area. Replace as soon as the compress warms, until the pain subsides.

Ayurvedic Medicine

To ease the pain and speed healing of , small, minor burns, an Ayurvedic practitioner may suggest applying aloe veragel, ghee (clarified butter), or coconut oil to the site of the burn. The practitioner may also suggest drinking fresh cilantro juice.

Herbal Therapy

Apply fresh aloe vera directly to small, minor burns (or sunburned skin). Simply slit open an aloe plant leaf, and apply the liquid. You also can use commercially produced aloe vera gel available in most drugstores. Plantain juice or salve may also be beneficial.

Herbal products are available in health food stores and in some pharmacies and supermarkets. Follow package for specific directions.


Your homeopathic practitioner may recommend one of the following internal treatments for small firstor second degree burns, depending on your symptoms:

Urtica urens-for first-degree burns

Cantharis-for second-degree burns

Causticum-for burns that are more than 20 minutes old

You also may apply a lotion containing Urtica and Calendula to the affected area.


If the skin isn't broken, immediately plunge the burned area into cold water or hold it under cold running water. You can also apply a cold compress until the pain subsides, about 10 minutes.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture Acupuncture may be used to help lessen swelling and promote faster healing. Acupuncture also has an anesthetic component (it releases endorphins and other "feel good" bodily chemicals) and can be used to relieve pain.

Chinese Herbal Therapy Aloe vera may be used topically to soothe the burn and speed healing. Various oils and liniments are available that speed healing and relieve pain, such as Red Flower Ointment and White Flower Ointment.

Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Burns

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

Spring Clean Your Body, Jump Start Your Life

!±8± Spring Clean Your Body, Jump Start Your Life

While most people welcome warmer weather, for others a taste of Spring brings reminders of coming allergies and a late flu season. As the world around us blooms, ill and healthy folks alike catch a little spring fever- feeling the energy of longer, sunnier days, and wanting to enjoy them to the fullest. In preparation for pollen and hopes for a new burst of vitality, this time of year offers a perfect time to cleanse your body.

"Detoxification" or "cleansing" is the process by which we can release environmental toxins, disease, and old metabolic waste from our bodies, and allow them to function at a much higher level. We "spring clean" our homes, and we can give our bodies that same fresh start.

We do not need to have serious health concerns in order to benefit from cleansing. Even "healthy" people breathe pollution, store toxins in their fat tissue, and absorb chlorine and fluoride from unfiltered showers and tap water. Since our bodies have not evolved as quickly as our lifestyles, they do not know how to process things like pesticides, industrial chemicals, leaching plastics, or synthetic foods.

Women in so-called "primitive societies" experience neither PMS nor menopausal symptoms, both of which we consider normal. Scientists are finally beginning to recognize connections among pesticides, livestock hormones and Candida-all of which wreak havoc on our endocrine systems.

One of the biggest stressors on the body is actually... STRESS. In a society that runs on deadlines and shuns rest, most people feel less energetic than they'd like. When we get sluggish, so does our digestion. A less than optimal small intestine begins to allow partially digested foods to ferment or leak into the bloodstream, resulting in food allergies and a host of other symptoms from migraines to chronic pain. As a society, we have come to accept less than optimal health, assuming that "cancer-free" means "healthy." Cleansing and detoxification encourage us to aim higher.

Chele A. Eades is a healthy lifestyle coach and raw foods chef who has been teaching others the benefits of juicing for over 20 years. She works with a number of local naturopaths to support their clients in healing and detoxification. One recent development on the cleansing front is something called "Juice Feasting." This phenomenon has sparked many a blog and online community, and March 1, 2008 marks the start-date of a worldwide community Juice Feast.

Chele explains the difference between fasting and feasting: "Juice Feasting means consuming fresh raw vegetable and fruit juices for 92 days, to cleanse the body of old toxins. This is termed a 'Feast' rather than 'Fast' because one gets ALL the calories one would normally get in a day (i.e. 1500 for an average woman) - from at least 4 litres/1 gallon of fresh juice, daily (green vegetable juices, fruit juices and coconut water all included).

There are 92 elements the body needs to function optimally (that are known), therefore the program timing is based on that concept. By consuming only liquids, which are absorbed directly into our system, we give the body a huge energy break from digesting foods. It can then use that saved energy to clean out old matter, especially from the small intestine. The average person holds 5-10lbs of toxic old matter in their intestines, and Feasting is an ideal way to release it, giving the body a phenomenal chance to rejuvenate and restore. Often when people fast they take in very small amounts of liquid/calories, the metabolism slows, their energy slumps, and they may feel quite 'dysfunctional.' Juice Feasting works differently, supporting the feaster to be very functional in daily life and meeting all calorie needs, while experiencing massive cleansing on a cellular level. The aims of Juice Feasting are to: "Cleanse, Rebuild, Rehydrate and Alkalinize." You can contact Chele about Juice Feasting or other wellness support at 928.203.0149 or at

For those who don't want to commit to 92-days without food, Sedona resident Kali Acoba has designed a 28-day cleansing program in conjunction with D'Lish restaurant. Kali provides the Ejuva herbal cleanse and her expertise and D'Lish provides 28 days of raw food to synergize the detoxification process. In Kali's words, "The Ejuva cleanse kit is a 28-day herbal cleanse program that not only thoroughly cleans and rebuilds the intestinal tract but it also cleanses the lymph system and the blood. It is a kit that addresses the bodily system holistically, which I really like for that is the core of my teachings. While its main focus is on the cleansing of the colon it also focuses on the kidneys and the liver,...What I like about this particular cleanse is that it has the powerful ability to effectively clean out the toxins, yet it is gentle enough in which one can still continue with their typical routines. For example, in the last year alone I have led several hundred participants through my cleanse protocol in which I use the Ejuva cleanse kit along with my cleanse program and a majority of my participants worked full-time throughout the entire 28 days."

Kali previously provided the Ejuva cleanse through one of Chicago's raw food hotspots, Cousin's Incredible Vitality. She raves about her similar program in Sedona: "With D'Lish and I working together I can provide all of my students of the class with specially prepared meals throughout the entire 28-day cleanse program. It makes for a convenient arrangement. The students come into to D'Lish once a week, for four weeks to partake in my two-hour classes, upon which they also pick up their meals. In addition, they stop by D'Lish two more times during the week to pick up the rest of their specially prepared cleanse meals.... This relationship with D'Lish has been so successful that today the owners and I are in the beginning stages of developing a food-delivering program. The service is called Awaken, Organic Living Cuisine and we will be delivering all organic, vegan and raw food meals. We will also offer the special meals that go along with my Conscious Cleansing For Transformation special cleanse program. We are very excited about this; in that, all three of us are deeply passionate about both cleansing and the intake of organic, healthy, life-giving meals.

This cleanse program and many others emphasize organic, raw foods, which contain all the enzymes necessary for proper digestion. To quote Kali again, "Enzymes play a crucial role in not only working to assimilate vitamins and minerals but also in the breaking down of waste materials in the body. Raw foods provide abundant enzymes and the enzymes are crucial for cleansing to occur." Cooking food kills enzymes, which means the body needs to produce its own enzymes to digest the food. Along with enzyme depletion, foods cooked above 105-118 degrees lose many of their valuable nutrients and antioxidants. Scientists have observed leukocytosis (an elevation of white blood cell count above normal range) immediately following the consumption of cooked foods. For people trying to lose weight or overcome illnesses like cancer or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, this combination of low enzymes and nutrients, plus leukocytosis, makes cooked food a less than optimal choice for supporting radiant health. By contrast, raw food offers nature's most beautiful and bountiful gifts--full of vitality and packed with peak nutrients and enzymes.

But not everyone feels ready or wants to commit to a juice fast, juice feast, or a diet of completely raw foods. I (Laura Bruno) teach Conscious Eating 101 classes, designed to demystify all those alternative healing diets like Macrobiotics, Ayurveda, raw foodism, and why so many spiritual paths pay attention to what we eat. My one-day workshop also offers Medical Intuitive insights into weight gain/loss and how we use food to "ground ourselves" or to dull down or awaken Awareness. With more information, many people feel more confident choosing the cleansing or dietary paths that most support their health, lifestyle, and growth.

For those who just want to "dip their toes in cleansing waters," Sedona provides lots of options. Both D'Lish (3190 W HWY 89A) and New Frontiers (1420 W HWY 89A) have juice bars, where curious folks can try "green juices." The regular menu at D'Lish offers both cooked vegan and all raw dishes. And Café Raw Bliss (1595 W HWY 89A) is Northern Arizona's only completely raw vegan café! For a sweet yet healthy treat, try their homemade chocolates, which contain seven times the antioxidants of the cooked version, plus superfoods to supercharge your energy. Raw cacao (pronounced kuh-KOW) and a raw vegan enchilada just might transform your life!

Spring Clean Your Body, Jump Start Your Life

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Use Herbs to Treat a Blood Clot

!±8± Use Herbs to Treat a Blood Clot

A blood clot is called thrombosis in the professional medical courses. It slows the flow of blood after an injury. It becomes a serious illness when a blood clot develops inside of a blood vessel. It could lead to a heart attack or stroke because it can block the supply of oxygen to surrounding tissues. The existing blood clots should be treated by a physician. However, you can help to prevent or reduce the occurrence of blood clots with herbal remedies. It's very useful for those people who just have a surgery or an injury.

In order to make the herbal remedy for the blood clots, you should prepare those herbs such as fresh yarrow leaves and yarrow juice. The natural honey and garlic should also be available too. Garlic supplements are said to lower cholesterol or blood pressure.

You should drink three cups daily of tea made from yarrow for four weeks or take 1 tbsp. of fresh yarrow juice three times a day. To make one cup of yarrow tea, add two or three dried leaves to 1 1/2 cups of boiling water. Allow the tea to steep for five minutes and sweeten with all natural honey if desired. You'd better add 1 tsp. of each herbal remedy to one cup of boiling water and drink three times a day. Relieve blood stagnation before and after surgery by taking horse chestnut, sweet clover and witch hazel. You should eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially vitamin C, which is required for the building of strong blood vessels. Stay active, taking walks several times daily while wearing loose fitting, comfortable shoes. Stretch regularly, particularly your legs and practice deep breathing, cycling and swimming. Herbal remedies are excellent for preventing and reducing the occurrence of blood clots, however if you are prone to thrombosis discuss all herbal or other remedies with your doctor.

You should take garlic tablets to thin the blood naturally. The other way to thin the blood is to eat three raw cloves per day. Garlic can help to transport unhealthy fats in the blood stream, reducing the risk of blood clots. On the other hand, you could also strengthen and repair connective tissues in veins. You could take 1 tbsp. of horsetail and 1 tbsp. of stinging nettle juice every day. It's really very useful to heal the blood clot. And the cost of herbal remedies is not expensive.

Use Herbs to Treat a Blood Clot

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

How to Grow a Coconut Palm Tree - Cocos Nucifera

!±8± How to Grow a Coconut Palm Tree - Cocos Nucifera

The Coconut palm tree, scientific name Cocos Nucifera, most beautiful and recognizable palm in the world. One of the reasons it is so popular is because of its fruits called "coconuts". Other parts of the tree can also be used for many purposes. "The tree of thousand uses" has been providing people with food and building material for over 4000 years. This graceful palm belongs to Arecaceae family and the genus Cocos. Cocos Nucifera grows everywhere throughout the tropical and the subtropical regions. Survival of many people from different countries depends on this tree.

Although the origin of this plant is uncertain, it is believed to be native to Pacific and Indian Ocean islands. This palm has been found around Asian continent, Africa, Central and South America.

Depending on the variety, Cocos Nucifera can grow up to 50-80ft tall. It has a smooth brown-gray trunk, slightly swollen at the base and topped with a crown of pinnate, or feather-shaped, fronds. The trunk is self-cleaning, meaning it drops old leaves, making it every easy to maintain. Leaves are about 15-17 ft long with 2ft long leaflets. Leaves are spineless and yellow-green in color.

It produces small yellow blooms that have a nice sweet scent. Male and female flowers are born on the same plant. Flowers grow on a 3-6 ft long branched inflorescence. The pollination happens by wind. It starts to produce flowers only after 5-7 years old.

The tree blooms all year long bearing about 100 coconuts per year. The fruit is really a drupe and not a true nut. It is about 15 inches long, green or brown color depending on the variety. The fruit has 3 layers: the outer layer with a husk, hard inner layer and soft inner layer that surrounds the seed. The most outer layer is composed of fibers that are used in a lot of different products. The inner layer is white, fleshy, firm and is absolutely delicious. Interior space is filled with liquid called "coconut water". This slightly sweet water is very refreshing and is consumed as juice. In tropical countries people make a small opening in young coconuts and drink the water through a straw.

The water is full of vitamins, fiber, protein, and antioxidants. Coconut water is often confused with coconut milk that is made by squeezing the white meat.

All parts of this palm can be used. Coconut water is used in many dishes around the world to flavor soup, snack, vegetables, seafood and meat. It is also used to produce oil that is used for cooking. The sap of the tree is used to make vinegar and wine. Besides cooking, it is used in cosmetics, furniture, clothing and construction.

Cocos Nucifera is widely used in medicine for treatment of different health problems. Coconuts have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-irritant, and soothing effects and can be used as a remedy for weight loss, skin infections, diabetes, cancer, wounds, diarrhoea, heart diseases, digestive and bladder problems, dental care and so on.

This palm is very easy to grow and maintain. It loves a lot of sunlight, high humidity and moist well drained soil. It is not a cold hardy tree and will not survive cold temperatures below 20F even when mature enough. It is very salt and wind tolerant.

With Coconut palm you have to watch out for nutritional deficiencies, lethal yellowing disease, coconut mite, leaf beetle, and leaf spot. To prevent these problems, use high quality fertilizer and the right chemical pesticides.

How to Grow a Coconut Palm Tree - Cocos Nucifera

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

What Are the Problems With the Western Diet?

!±8± What Are the Problems With the Western Diet?

Let's discuss the problems of the Western Diet...

There is a lot of press these days about the negative effects of the typical Western Diet. The diet and low fat craze has been around for quite awhile yet many people still don't understand some of the main problems with the Western Diet. This article will help define some of the specific issues and clear up some others.

First of all, it not all about the calories and fat. I want to remind you that a certain amount of fat is good for is actually very necessary for your health. Yet is also important to distinguish good fats and bad fats. Most fast food and processed food is filled with bad fats, as well as sugar and chemicals. Trans fat & Hydrogenated Oils are the most unhealthy fats, stay away from these. Many nutritionists compare hydrogenated oil, which margarine is made out of as well as most junk food products, to be more plastic than food. Unfortunately many mainstream vegetable oils, including canola oil, are also questionable as they have been heated during their processing causing them to change their chemical composition. If you are using oils to cook food, cold pressed, expeller pressed and organic oils are a much better choice. Olive Oil and Organic Coconut Oil are two examples of very good oils as they contain nutrients and good fats. Let's move on to the specifics

What does the Western Diet have in it that is so unhealthy?

1. Sugar - Americans consume on average over 170 lbs of sugar per person representing about 25% of our average caloric intake! And most of this is highly refined processed sugar. They say processed sugar is an empty calorie, it virtually has no nutritional value. Research now is showing it is more of a "negative" calorie as it has harmful effects on our bodies and causes a lot of damage. Research also shows sugar is causing a huge epidemic of health problems in our society including diabetes, cancer and heart problems.

2. Processed Flour & Carbs - In similar fashion processed and refined flour and carbohydrates have virtually no nutritional value and actually cause harmful issues to the body. Our body requires lots of energy to absorb and process these types of foods putting stress on our body system. These foods also cause us to gain unhealthy weight. Stay away from any white or bleached flour products and stay away from processed carbs.

3. Chemicals and Preservatives - Foods that have a long shelf life are usually not good for you. Most mainstream Western food has a lot of preservatives, artificial flavors and chemicals. Most of these chemicals are not natural and were put in food to enhance shelf life and flavor. They were not put there for your health benefit. Unfortunately they also put stress on your body and are basically processing poison. It simply isn't worth it.

4. Hydrogenated Oil/Trans fat & Unhealthy Fats - As I mentioned earlier stay away from the bad fats, usually in junk food, fast food and any processed foods. Look at labels of food that you buy and do not buy any hydrogenated oil foods or foods with trans fat. These are harmful

5. Salt - Mainstream food is too salty for your health. And it's highly processed salt also. Natural Salt can be beneficial to you, but in small quantities. It's best to salt your own food to taste. Again avoid junk food & fast food and look at labels on foods to see how much sodium they have.

What can we do to Change our Diet?

There are a few simple steps you can take to eat healthier. Again it isn't always about the calories, it's about what type of food you eat and what you don't eat. Here are a few simple guidelines to get you started -

1. Eat lots of Fresh Vegetables & Fruit - the more fresh veggies, in particular green veggies, the better. All natural fruits and vegetables are good for you. Eat them raw when you can and do not over cook as they lose their nutrients. Eat lots of fresh produce and avoid covering them with too much dressing, cheese and other condiments.

2. Avoid all Fast Food - do not eat food that you order from your car window. Most fast food is unhealthy food, it's that simple.

3. Avoid all Junk Food - do not eat food that contains lots of sugar, hydrogenated oils, preservatives, artificial flavors and processed flour & carbs. Do not eat foods that have a long shelf life. Highly processed junk food is the main culprit of unhealthy Western eating.

4. Read labels - If foods contain ingredients you can't hardly pronounce or has more than 5 ingredients don't buy it. Look at the trans fat, sugar and sodium content. Look at the preservatives and artificial flavors. Try to find and buy products with only one ingredient, the food itself.

5. Cut down on Sugar - If sugar is in the top 3 ingredients of a product don't buy it. Unfortunately so many products, including natural foods, have sugar in them. Cutting down on your sugar is one of the most important things you can do for your health.

6. Eat Healthy Proteins & Fats - Lean and natural proteins are the best for you as they digest easier. Red meat can be beneficial, but it needs to be from grass-fed and preferably organic beef. Salmon & most fish are also very good for you. Nuts are good snacking proteins. And again use cold pressed and organic oils for cooking and flavoring...avoid all hydrogenated oils and processed proteins.

7. Eat Natural & Organic products - If you can eat all natural foods you are going to be healthy. If you can eat Organic that is even better. Buy and eat as many natural foods fresh and raw as you can!

Want more information on eating and staying healthy? I offer a free monthly email article giving you valuable information and tips on what you can do to gain and maintain vibrant health and well-being. Get more information on this valuable and free service now.

What Are the Problems With the Western Diet?

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Snack Attack - Go Out on a Limb - That's Where the Fruit is

!±8± Snack Attack - Go Out on a Limb - That's Where the Fruit is

"Be careful to watch your body with steadfast fidelity. The soul needs through these eyes alone, and if they are weak, the whole world is clouded." -J. Wolfgang van Goethe

Everyone at some point or another has had a snack attack. Opinions on various snacks. Some feel snacking is bad and that eating between meals leads to weight gain. Others believe that eating many small meals and healthy snacks throughout the day to maintain energy and optimum weight distribution. If there was a possibilityof snacks, which was the right thing for everyone, we all do!

Snack Attack for the relief of guilt, trying to understand why it is best meals and snacks for your body. If you are snacking because it lacks your daily nutritional diet, or because you eat too little at meals and be hungry again? Or are you snacking on the nerves calm down or to entertain yourself when you're bored?

Although snacks are no substitute for loving life, can be a lot of energyBooster and a healthy way to fully nourished body - as long as you use a little 'common sense. Many convenient snacks are very elaborate and full of chemicals, additives, damaging fats and refined sugars. Try foods that are filling and satisfying, but also nutritious. Snack on things that do not come in a plastic bag or a box, like fresh fruit, vegetables or leftover rice cakes with almond butter and jam. Create your signature or munch on trail mix corn chipswith hummus.

You can also try to "upgrade". If you want something crunchy, upgrade from potato chips to raw carrots, apples, cabbage, baked potato or yam, and if you want a candy bar, a handful of nuts and dried fruits upgrade, but a cup of tea of ​​coffee update Green instead of ice, an upgrade to apples with cinnamon. Updated snacks are high in nutrition and give you a greater sense of satiety and satisfaction, feel deprived not physically or psychologically,and you have lots of energy to maintain their activity for several hours straight.

Food Focus: Fruit

Meet by the use of fruit for our taste for sweets, we can leave behind the use of chemicals and refined sweeteners. The fruits are easily digestible, cleaning and cooling and are ideal for those who are overstressed and overheated. The fruits are fiber and liver stimulants, which act as a full natural, mild laxative. When possible, buy fresh, locally grown fruit, this keeps you eatSeason. According to this theory, the bodily functions best when in close contact with the seasons and climates, wherever we are aligned. A good way to see what is "local" and the season is to go to a farmer's market. ( is a site that will help you in your area.)

Eating raw fruit in summer months is very cool, neutralized with baking in the winter months, this cooling effect. Fruit in the form of juice is a good choice for cleaning the body, but areaware that juice rapidly increases the levels of sugar in the blood, which soon became a power-on crash. Frozen fruit or juice can treat summer cool-down. Try frozen grapes, banana-coconut smoothie popsicles or lime juice and fresh mint ice cubes in iced tea!

Here are a couple of summer fruits and their health benefits:

Apricots: Great for helping lung disease and asthma, used to treat anemia due to their high copper and cobalt.

Bananas: Help to lubricate the intestines,treat ulcers, detoxify the body, and manage sugar cravings; rich in potassium, which helps hypertension.

Cherries: Slightly warming in nature; increase overall body energy, remedy arthritis and rheumatism, and are rich in iron, which improves the blood.

Grapefruits: Treat poor digestion, increase appetite during pregnancy, alleviate intestinal gas and reduce mucus conditions of the lungs.

Papayas: Tone the stomach, act as digestive aid, moisten the lungs and alleviate coughing; contain carpaine, an anti-tumor compound.
Raspberries: Benefit the liver and kidneys, cleanse blood of toxins, regulate menstrual cycles, treat anemia and can promote labor at childbirth.

Recipe of the Month
Fruit Nut Smoothie

Prep time: 5 minutes
Serves: 2

1 banana
1 cup soy or rice milk
1 cup berries
1 cup diced melon
1/2 cup almonds
2-4 ice cubes


1. Mix in blender for 1-2 minutes and serve.

Optional: You can add other ingredients for added nutrition such as a spoon full of bee pollen, coconut oil, flax seed oil, spirulina powder or a scoop of protein powder.

More on Going out on a Limb

Stop for just a minute. If I were to ask you: What is the meaning of life? What would you say?

Interesting question to ponder, huh. One of my mentors asked me that not too long ago and quite honestly, I was amazed at my response. A few years ago this would not have been my answer. I said, the meaning of life is to LIVE IT! Sounds trite, doesn't it. Well, it had more meaning to me than that. I had an epiphany. It occurred to me I was indeed living my life, and in the present moment, for once. It was all-inclusive of every emotion from happy to sad, and a series of minutes and hours of being, doing, learning, and failing as best I knew how or until it passed. That was really living, and suddenly I felt free.

The meaning of life was no longer defined by my past and all my stories, rights and wrongs, haves and have-nots. It was right here and right now and so was I. Wow, what a concept. I also realized it wasn't something I tried hard to do, it was just the opposite. I fully allowed myself to experience each space I was in and it came be, and in that moment it revealed it self to me. I'll never forget it - it's now one of the top ten defining moments in my life. Maybe you can relate - has this ever happened to you ? What has been the defining moments in your life that have since shifted you into a new way of being?

Most of us walk around and live our lives with this knapsack on our back called our past. It comes in all shapes and sizes and some have more or less, but the fact of the matter is we ALL have some. And it shapes us, no doubt. But if we don't stop to put it down, look inside and investigate, it can take on a life of its own. Kind of like "the boogieman" when you were younger. Do you remember him? How could you forget, you might be saying! We all knew and were scared of the "boogieman". Most of us couldn't even relax or go to sleep until we felt reassured by our parents that we were safe and nothing was going to happen to us. We made them investigate it. We wanted proof. And once that happened we felt calmer, more safe and ready to move on. Right?

It's the same with our "stuff". If we don't investigate it and look inside, it becomes larger than it really is and stops us from moving forward, living our life, and becoming our true self. Yeah, it's scary to look inside, but what's more scary is what happens if we don't.

It's time to stop cheating the world and yourself out of the real, loving, and gifted YOU. There is no substitute for you. The world, your spouse, family and friends need you and all of you. If there is something you have wanted to do, be, or say, go ahead and get started today. It might not be easy but have you noticed that nothing worthwhile is - it involves risk which is scary. There are no guarantees, it conjures up doubt, fear of failure and puts us way out of our comfort zone, a place we'd rather not be. It happens to us ALL and is essentially the child in each of us who is afraid of the "boogieman". So give yourself some reassurance and find the people in your lives who make you feel good, support, encourage and cheer you on to become your best self!

The irony is, it is only through change that we really grow and start living. So, go ahead. Go out on that limb because that's where the fruit is! And how swwweeet it is!

Snack Attack - Go Out on a Limb - That's Where the Fruit is

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Copycat Recipes - Cracker Barrel Meatloaf

!±8± Copycat Recipes - Cracker Barrel Meatloaf

I often eat in a restaurant, and are a particular dish so much I want to enjoy double the recipe at home. During my recipes are often good, are never quite as good as the version of the restaurant.

For those, meat loaf, as many have said that the Cracker Barrel serves meatloaf is one of the best ever meatloaves. Those who have worked at Cracker Barrel, they say that the secret is in the breadcrumbs. In the restaurant, they use their buttermilk biscuitsPut the bread crumbs. This will definitely make a difference in the flavor of the meatloaf.

What can you possibly consider a stack of buttermilk biscuits, and then use that in the meatloaf. It will help to authenticate the taste of the restaurant recipes.

This recipe is enough for three loaves. And 'ideal for small groups or even family members potluck dinner.

10 pounds ground beef
30 grams onion, cut into 1/4-inch squares
1 pound diced green pepper
10 eggs
5 tablespoons of salt
1 1 / 2 tablespoons paprika
1 1 / 2 liters of diced canned tomatoes
2 1 / 4 cups buttermilk biscuit crumbs or bread crumbs.

This is one of them to throw everything into a bowl and mix recipes. The restaurant is a hot air oven. Most home without convection oven. I suggest, to about 350 degrees cook for about 60 minutes. After removing from oven and invert each loaf on a wire rack and spread a half cup of ketchup on each loaf. Averageand serve.

I have seen at various points to see if I could find a recipe for cookies. I found some places where people who claim to be given to employees Cracker Barrel recipe. They all had exactly the same recipe:

2 cups White Lily self-rising flour
1 / 3 cup shortening
2 / 3 cup buttermilk

And 'only three ingredients. Mix the flour and shortening together. Then add in the buttermilk. Stir for a minute, roll and cut. Bake for 8 minutes at 450 degrees. OnceYou take them out of the oven brush with melted butter.

I have not personally used White Lily flour, so I wanted a recipe with the products I used and I found what is to be a script recipe for Cracker Barrel Buttermilk Biscuits:

2 ½ cups Bisquick
2 / 3 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon melted butter

Mix Bisquick, milk, butter and sugar together. Add butter and mix until the dough is formed. A table with the dust of flour and kneadtwenty times. Roll ½ inch thick and cut into biscuits. Bake 80-10 minutes at 450 degrees. It 'was interesting, this recipe was very clear, not brushing melted butter on the biscuits after baking.

In any case, it seems the key to using buttermilk biscuit crumbs instead of bread crumbs, if the cat copy recipe for meatloaf.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Those who suffer from acid reflux

!±8± Those who suffer from acid reflux

About the stomach acidity / acid:

Swelling uncomfortable Painful regurgitation Feelings of bloating and / or severity Dull stomach ache Heartburn after a meal directly
Causes of heartburn / acid:

Drinking acidic water (distilled, tap, well, most bottled water) Eating too many acidic foods forming (pasta, tomato sauce, meat, more cereals / fruits) Excessive intake of refined carbohydrates (white flour / sugar / rice) Excessive intake of fruit and / or fruitJuice Eating too fast and not chewing enough Poor food combining Excessive water drinking with meals Excessive use of raw foods Overeating

People who continue in the activities listed above for many years, to finally experience a worsening of all the organs of digestion, consisting of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidney and pancreas, causing a wide variety of imbalances in the body. These imbalances can often lead to serious diseases like cancer.

DietaryGuidelines for the prevention or who suffer from heartburn

For healing to occur at all levels, no matter how easy or difficult health concerns that proper nutrition is important. Without a proper and balanced diet, the treatment is very limited. Here is a simple balanced diet must be followed first to avoid or to relieve heartburn / acid understand.

If our food intake seems a cake, the cake should consume 80% in the ideal case, a pH of 7.4or more, which is considered alkaline. The remaining 20% ​​of the pie will consist of acid forming foods like most cereals, foodstuffs of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, cheese), fats / oils, and most fruits. What 80% of your diet should consist of, when you try to eliminate the acid in the body? Select vegetables and whole grains and fruits that are slightly alkaline.

In addition to the foods we eat, it is imperative that we drink alkaline water rich. WeMillions of cells in our bodies that are polluted daily with carbon emissions, pesticides, organophosphates, negative thinking, stress and much more. Continuing to drink tap water, well water, distilled water and mineral water, there are the acid addition to any other harmful toxins in our cells. Our cells are oxygenated alkaline water rich desire to provide our bodies with the tools necessary to function optimally. A quick and easy way to make water more alkaline, addabout 1 teaspoon. Baking soda to 8 ounces of purified water.

The role of vitamins, proteins and fats in the diet

Vitamins - The perception that you can use vitamins to increase the deficit in the diet is not only wrong, but it could be very dangerous and acid forming. As long as our diet is balanced, no need of vitamins, as our body is able to produce essential vitamins to stay healthy. Can be absorbed even more important than the vitamins in our foodMinerals. A small amount of organic sea vegetables added to the daily diet as a salad Arame is very beneficial to the body with important minerals, and is also an excellent source of calcium.

Protein - The phrase "less is more" is absolutely necessary when using a weight of protein in the diet. Be aware of protein-eclampsia, which is probably one of the leading causes of cancer and other degenerative diseases in America. This is mainly due to the excessive consumption of animal proteincombined with environmental toxins and food analysis. When buying meat and other animal protein sources, please note that additional synthetic growth hormones. Choose hormones and antibiotics free or organic, if possible.

Fats - A small amount of unsaturated fats and oils, the quality is an essential part of the diet. In addition, a proper balance of essential fatty acids is of particular importance for the performance of optimal health. Most Americans eat a lotOmega-6 fatty acids, however, recent statistics show that 99% of people do not consume enough Omega -3 fatty acids in the U.S.. Essential fatty acids in particular those that come from omega-3 is also necessary for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and to stabilize the metabolism.

Prefer edible oils: Organic Extra Virgin coconut oil or ghee (clarified butter)

Prefer non-edible oils: Organic Extra Virgin olive oil (cooking oil andother polyunsaturated oils at high temperatures changes the chemical properties of oil causes rancidity, which is extremely toxic to human health).

The role of food kitchen spices cooking

To facilitate a balanced diet, herbs are very useful as well as the long-term resolution of malnutrition. For example, the algae, the docks and dandelions for the supply of important nutrients. In addition, parsley, dried dandelion and nettle are the keysHerbs for the supply of essential vitamins and minerals.

Herbs to aid digestion and support

Surprisingly, many people have hidden a mysterious collection of medicinal herbs in their kitchen cabinets. Note: Even if (herb used for heartburn), all of the following herbs such as wind turbines, each has a multitude of applications so that the beauty of Chinese herbs.

Anis - used as a tea with 1 cup boiling water 3 tsp. of crushed seeds, soaked 20 minutesFlatulence and colic

Permeated used as a tea with 1 oz basil leaves to a pint of water for 20 minutes with cramps, nausea and constipation - Basil

Bay - one or two leaves can be added to soups or beans, not only to improve the taste, but to avoid gas and indigestion

Cumin seeds - 1 ounce of crushed seeds in boiling water for 20 minutes, 2 tablespoons penetrated. The tea is often solved only

Cardamom - used as a tea with 1 g of grated ginger, pepper 7,Cinnamon, 5 cloves, cardamom seeds and 15 to 1 pint of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes, add ½ c. The milk and simmer for another 10 minutes for gas and indigestion

Cayenne - used as a tonic, ¼ tsp. three times daily for diarrhea and cramps

Cinnamon - used in the milk warm, moist, with a touch of honey for cramps and chronic diarrhea

Cloves - flowers are used in foods to prevent gas and indigestion

Coriander - seeds are added to foods to expose a very tastycrushed seeds are used in formulas laxative to avoid pinching and a freshness balanced

Cumin - one of the best herbs to prevent and relieve gas, fried foods, and beans are best cooked with seeds, to help in the prevention of gas

Fennel - used as a tea with 1 tsp. crushed seeds in 1 cup of boiling water, rich in 20 minutes, especially useful for colic, cramps and gas

Garlic - fresh juice is more effective for a variety of ailments including heartburn

Ginger - used as1 oz fresh ginger tea and simmer 10 minutes in a pint of water for indigestion, cramps and nausea

Marjoram - used marjoram, and tea with ½ ounce, a pint of boiling water steeped indigestion

Thyme - used as a tea steeped with thyme 1 oz in 1 quart of boiling water, then filtered and sweetened with honey, diarrhea, chronic gastritis, and anorexia

Those who suffer from acid reflux

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Friday, September 16, 2011

The Down Low in trans fats and margarine

!±8± The Down Low in trans fats and margarine

Trans Fats

The name of Trans-fat is the abbreviation for the processed fat. And transformed fats have no place in the human body. Will be artificially created by scientists in the laboratory, if fixed oils, in order to determine, so that they last longer able to withstand life hydrate. Fats Trans fats are created are heated at any time. Saturated fats are more tolerant to heat treatment of mono-and polyunsaturated fats, so that you can cook something to think about it, it's better with butter orTo avoid coconut oil, trans fats. Do not be fooled by restaurants that boast the "trans-fat free" labels. Once the "trans-fat-free" oil is heated, it is as a trans-fat!

Rapeseed oil: After reading this, you are emptying your closets!

How often do you use vegetable oil? If you bake, roast, if you ... every day? If you attend these seemingly "healthy" oils, then you must read. Supermarket are highly processed oils. First, is the ingenious use of sodiumhydroxide (Draine I think) to "contamination" to be removed.

They are then covered with phosphoric acid (eg Windex) to de-gum treated and distance lecithin, chlorophyll, calcium, magnesium, copper and iron. To make it look attractive, it is bleached, pigments, oil becomes rancid removed. The color is due then sees a clear oil, of course, not included. And 'then heated over 220uF to produce an odor that show trans fat molecules, which eventually becomes part of the body to be removed!Then take home and return your heat in the pan, the molecules changed even more.

We need to start thinking about the quality of every morsel that in our body. There is a big difference in quality between canola oil and extra virgin olive oil extra virgin. Olive oil is not treated, heat the oil and extra virgin olive oil is the "first pressing was achieved. Cancer is associated to be processed vegetable fats. These include hydrogenated and shorteningMargarine.


Margarine is a synthetic, artificial chemicals, foreign to our body. Margarine with trans fat last loaded. Hydrogen is forced to vegetable oil, are saturated in a solid at room temperature again. Hydrogenation changes the form of oils at the molecular level, and the shape of a molecule is extremely important. Think of your body like a jigsaw puzzle in motion. The billions of processes that occur every second, every little bits and pieces of yourBody puzzle. If a piece has been altered in any way, will not be able to adapt where ... and may even in places it should be fine! Newer margarine made from vegetable oil and modified palm and palm kernel oil. And 'non-hydrogenation, but I've never been a fan of the word "modified" and palm oil is liquid at room temperature. Someone messed with him, for some. Would you like to be "changed" your body, or all natural? Remember to read food labels isPlanning to eat.

Did you know? Margarine is one molecule to be plastic.

Product Dissection: Becel Margarine:

Ingredients: Rapeseed oil and sunflower oil 74%, water, modified palm and palm kernel oil 6%, salt 1.8%, 1.4% protein concentrate, whey, soy lecithin 0.2 %, vegetable monoglycerides, potassium sorbate, vegetable dyes, artificial flavors, citric acid, vitamin A palmitate, vitamin D3, alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E).

BTW: interestingQuestion gave me a chuckle Becel Web site, and its importance lies in the following section, "The Down Low 'to read:

Q: Why Becel margarine in a different color in Quebec?

A: In all parts of Canada, except Quebec, margarine and butter are the same color. In Quebec, the law does not allow restrictions on color. In this province, is the most margarine an off-white color.

The low down:

-Remember what happened with canola oil before it hits the shelves? The productis 74% sour, bleached, dyed vegetable oil.

-Contains 6% "modified" oils.

Contains milk products in the form of whey protein. Milk is the No. 1 allergen. People have difficulty digesting cow's milk, that they realize it or not ... and I must say that many of us are painfully aware.

Combine-monoglycerides are used in a common food additive, two things that usually do not mix like oil and water would do.

-Potassium sorbate is a preservative used tothe growth of molds and yeasts, thereby discouraging the duration. Apparently because it is used in small quantities, there are no known adverse health effects. Comforting.

And the color of plants is a difficult question. My instinct is to say that is probably Yellow Dye No. 5, which is known for a multitude of problems within the human body, particularly renowned for creating exacerbate autism and other behavioral disorders. But to be fair Becel, could turmeric, which must be a lifeyellow color, but because I turmeric Quebec would leave their province, because it is an herb cleansing of thinking ... So there must be something else, the Quebec government is afraid, and I think we should too!

-Becel contains artificial flavorings. I'm not a big fan of eating something artificial, especially when it comes to getting my brain into thinking plastic make-up tastes.

-The next 3 ingredients are added vitamins. Vitamins are best obtained from whole foods as found in nature, and notchemically treated in a tub of margarine ...

Vitamin A palmitate is a common pre-formed vitamin A supplement. Best sources are apples, apricots, beets, broccoli, melons, carrots, cabbage, mangoes, peas, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potatoes and pumpkin.

-Vitamin D3. 15 minutes sun on your face and hands, you get the same amount of vitamin D do for a walk and move! Go for a long walk in winter when the sun is not so aliveonwards.

Vitamin E. best sources are walnut oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, (make sure that all oils are cold processed) nuts (first), sunflower (first), whole grains and green leafy vegetables.

Always remember, quality counts

The Down Low in trans fats and margarine

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

How to Care for Aloe Vera plant care - easy maintenance tips to keep your plant healthy aloe vera

!±8± How to Care for Aloe Vera plant care - easy maintenance tips to keep your plant healthy aloe vera

Planting and growing your aloe vera plant can be quite easy, the only requirements as the sun is very hot and a little water. When they are grown outdoors in warm climates, they should be planted in full sun or partial shade. The soil should be moderately fertile and fast draining. Established plants survive a drought quite well, but for the sake of the plant, water should be provided.

Because of their popularity, Aloe vera plants are almostevery garden shop or nursery. Unless you are in a room with a very mild climate to live, you better leave your potted plant and near a window that gets lots of sun and move the pot outdoors during the summer months.

During winter the plant will be a little 'dormant, and utilize very little moisture. During this period, watering should be minimal. Let the soil dry completely before the work of one or two cups of water. Duringthe summer months, should be thoroughly soaked the ground, but admitted once again dry before re-watering. It does not seem as cold temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit or cold spots and drafts.

We want the aloe vera plant height of about four years to maturity of approximately two meters, which, if the aloe vera gel is obtained by a constant his greatest advantage. Using the gel from its pure form system is better, because the cellular activity tends to be reduced when mixed with otherChemicals.

Aloe Vera is a natural medicine for humans. It 'a succulent plant that can be grown indoors or outdoors. It 'used in many forms for its soothing and anti-inflammatory. The benefits not only limited to one thing, it is used in many ways, as for the treatment of many internal medical problems and even if it is used for external services for skin, hair and eyes.

For centuries, people have a healing and soothing nature of Aloe respectedTrue. Families often go to the middle generation to generation, along with the teaching on the healing properties of the plant contains. Aloe vera plants helped many people for centuries.

There are various names of aloe vera in different languages ​​in Spain is known as "sa'vila" in Sanskrit is called "gbrita-Kumari" is known in Malaysian jadam 'in Chinese is "lu-hui" and is in Portuguese '"Erva-babosa shows. These different names from all over the world,how big is the impact of this system over the centuries cultures and civilizations ever had discovered its healing effects of wide-ranging.

How to Care for Aloe Vera plant care - easy maintenance tips to keep your plant healthy aloe vera

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Food, Ease Constipation - How to treat constipation and ease of bowel movements

!±8± Food, Ease Constipation - How to treat constipation and ease of bowel movements

Constipation refers to difficulty passing stools. It causes pain and sometimes serious damage to the intestine. There may be various reasons for constipation. The list includes the use of certain painkillers, antidepressants and tranquilizers, eating foods that are low in fiber, or because of physical inactivity.

Foods to blockages in the neck:

There are certain foods that can alleviate this problem. These include dried apricots, celery, almonds,coconut, raisins, beans, dates, grapes, figs, mangoes, parsley, pineapple, papayas, prunes, olive, soybeans, green vegetables and turnips. These help in the natural treatment of this problem. High fiber diets are supposed to be the best food to ease constipation.

Home Remedies for Constipation:

* Take at least 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday.
* Triphala is one of the greatest herbal remedy. It is a laxative that has high nutritional value. One teaspoon of this powder is useful if taken with warm water before bedtime.
* You can drink a glass of warm water before bedtime.
* For severe constipation, you can add 2 teaspoons of castor oil in milk.
* Drink about 1 liter of lukewarm water and then walk for a few immediate wake in the morning.
* Drink lemon juice 2 or 3 times a day.
* 2 teaspoons of aloe gel can be taken twice a day.

Cure for constipation bowel cleansing

* It detoxifies the body and regulates the bowelmovement.
* It flushes out the undigested food & fecal matter stuck on the walls of the intestines.
* It purifies your blood.
* It enhances your immune system.
* It helps you fight the allergies & infections.

Other Methods to get rid of Constipation

* Yoga is also quite effective in this regard. Various breathing exercises & asanas help in clearing the body energy flow and makes the bowel movements normal.
* You may also take fiber supplements.
* Acai Berry diet is also very effective in this case due to its high fiber content. It also helps in weight loss.
* Acupuncture is helpful in treating this problem.
* You can go for homeopathic solutions.

Food, Ease Constipation - How to treat constipation and ease of bowel movements

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Amy & Brian Natural Coconut Juice Pulp Free, 10-Ounce (Pack of 24)

!±8± Amy & Brian Natural Coconut Juice Pulp Free, 10-Ounce (Pack of 24)

Brand : Amy & Brian | Rate : | Price : $34.96
Post Date : Sep 03, 2011 07:30:29 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Amy & Brian Coconut Juice is a natural isotonic beverage that is high in potassium and other electrolytes. Great for any active lifestyle, it is an effective rehydration beverage for before, during or after exercise. Made from the water of young coconuts, Amy & Brian Coconut Juice doesn’t contain the added sugar or artificial additives found in other sports drinks. Coconut juice is nature’s sports drink. In addition to tasting great, coconut juice is the healthy choice. It has more potassium per equivalent serving than a banana, is lower in natural sugar and calories than most fruit juices including grapefruit and has 10% of the sodium found in tomato juice. It absorbs into the body quickly because it resembles plasma in its salt concentration.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Amy & Brian Coconut Juice with Pulp, 17.5-Ounce Cans ( Value Bulk Multi-pack)

!±8± Amy & Brian Coconut Juice with Pulp, 17.5-Ounce Cans ( Value Bulk Multi-pack)

Rate : | Price : $166.48 | Post Date : Aug 28, 2011 16:21:24
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

60 units of Amy & Brian Coconut Juice with Pulp, 17.5-Ounce Cans.

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Amy & Brian Coconut Juice with Lime, 17.5-Ounce Cans ( Value Bulk Multi-pack)

!±8± Amy & Brian Coconut Juice with Lime, 17.5-Ounce Cans ( Value Bulk Multi-pack)

Brand : AMYBRI | Rate : | Price : $67.76
Post Date : Aug 25, 2011 08:15:00 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • MULTI VALUE PACK! You are buying 2 packs. Each pack contains 12 units. You will receive a TOTAL PACKAGE QUANTITY of 24 combined units of Amy & Brian Coconut Juice with Lime, 17.5-Ounce Cans
  • Quantity: BULK PACK OF 2 packs. Each pack contains 12 units. Multi-Pack Package Quantity 24 UNITS Description: JCE,COCONUT W/LIME . (In case of confusion on contents of this multi-pack - please email seller).

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Amy & Brian Coconut Juice with Lime, 17.5-Ounce Cans ( Value Bulk Multi-pack)

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Amy & Brian Coconut Juice, 17.5-Ounce Cans ( Value Bulk Multi-pack)

!±8±Amy & Brian Coconut Juice, 17.5-Ounce Cans ( Value Bulk Multi-pack)

Brand : AMYBRI
Rate :
Price : $166.48
Post Date : Aug 21, 2011 20:11:30
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

60 units of Amy & Brian Coconut Juice, 17.5-Ounce Cans.

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

The nutritional benefits of juicing fruits and vegetables

!±8± The nutritional benefits of juicing fruits and vegetables

It 'a big change in eating habits of most people and the general awareness of governments and some groups are finally paid.

People are much more expert on nutrition and health, and one of the best ways to improve your diet and health is to have more fruits and vegetables into your diet with a juicer machine belong.

The benefits of juicing fruits and vegetables are many, and this guide will help you understand the health benefitssqueezing. The consumption of vegetables and fruit juices help to promote a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.

Could help the juice consumption of fruit and vegetables you, help you reduce cholesterol levels and save lives. Also depending on the type of machine you are using juice, pulp, if the daily requirement of fiber for delivery of a healthy diet.

There are many different combinations of fruit juices which help to work on specific diseases, for example, the spinvegetables such as beets, okra, broccoli and kale are rich in calcium, vitamins and minerals that help the bones, teeth, and also against some types of cancer such as colon cancer can be increased to protect to protect.

One of the benefits of juicing is for other people who have trouble chewing or digesting their food. The elderly are a good example of this problem and often have difficulty chewing raw vegetables or fruit, and that would benefit from a high degree ofThe purchase and use of good quality juicer.

One glass of carrot juice has the same appetizing flavor as a crunchy carrot links without chewing problems so difficult greens. Juiced wheat grass, grapes, blueberries, plums and oranges are to help maintain a healthy digestive system and then to fight irregularities in bowel movements often associated with older people.

Have you had trouble eating for your children fresh fruit and vegetables? Then try the machine juiceand before you know you'll be amazed how many different kinds of fruits and vegetables in the diet can be achieved for children. This will help your children with a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables every day. Most children love the color and the taste is naturally sweet and fresh fruit such as apples, carrots, pineapple and tomatoes.

Other interesting facts about fruit and vegetables is good that the blueberries for their help in cleansing the urinary tract, liverand kidneys. This is due to fight anti-bacterial properties of cranberry to infection and toxins.

Kohl also been shown to be useful in the fight against ulcers. Cabbage is a natural painkiller and has some positive tests in the field of pain relief for stomach ulcers.

If you are like me can not a big fan of fruits and vegetables with a juicer then be the answer. You can win all the good without the hassle of chewing your way through three pounds ofBroccoli.

There are different types of machines and juicers, depending on your needs and budget you will find one for your holiday. There are three main types of juicers and they are: centrifugal, or chewing and rubbing Twin Gear Juicer. All three types of juicers have a slightly different kind of separation or extraction of the juice from the pulp.

Juicer chewing

The chewing machine juicer operates at a much slower speed than other centrifugesTypes. It chews the fibers of fruits and vegetables and breaks the cell so this is ideal for juice extractor recipes. In this way you have more of, enzymes, fiber, vitamins and trace elements.

They are different brands including Chew juicer champion juicer good car. It can also be used to mix baby food, nut butters, fruit ice cream, sauces, and sorbets. The Champion Juicer is an optional facility of grinding corn for the milling of wheat into flour for breadand desserts. Juicer chewing is not a cheap option, but the quality and flexibility is unmatched.

Centrifugal juicer

The centrifugal juicer machine uses a slightly different approach: it grinds the fruit and vegetables and then pushes it through a wire at high speed. The screen rotates at a speed that is separated for all fruit and vegetables right in the same way a washing machine that works to ensure the centrifuge.

This helps to produce more juice. Omegais a company specialized in centrifugal juicer, like the Juiceman II machines. You can only use a juicer for Omega, which allow you to juice citrus fruits, without acquiring the need for peeling. A good choice of juicer, if you're on a budget and I do not care more than cleaning and maintenance.

Grinding juicer

The Twin Gear Juicer Juicer or machine grinding wheel speeds much slower than the Champion juicer and electric Omega or as a two-step process. The firstincludes crushing the fruit and vegetables and the second step separates the juice. Just like the Champion juicer juicer will give you a double change as enzymes, fiber, vitamins and trace elements.

This juicer is also a very sophisticated technology, bio-technology in the form of ceramics and magnetic, which helps slow down the oxidation process. This is good news, if you want to save the juice produced.

This makes this type of juicer machines ideal for wheat grass,Leafy vegetables, sprouts, roots like carrots and beets and all other fruit dryer. It takes longer to juice with this kind of centrifuge extraction, but a better quality of juice extracted once to get.

The nutritional benefits of juicing fruits and vegetables

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

The story of Lil Wayne

!±8± The story of Lil Wayne

The Internet makes it easy to download and watch music videos from the comfort of your home. Now people do not need expensive cable or satellite service to watch music videos. The Internet also brings another benefit to music fans to watch videos on simplicity, and that is the ability to quickly learn more about their favorite artists. Lil Wayne is an artist that many know little about.

The Man Behind the Music

Lil Wayne, as his fans know him, wasBorn as Dwayne Michael Carter Jr., 27 September 1982 in New Orleans. A smart young man was part of the program with Dwayne Lafayette Elementary School. When he entered high school, was an active theater group. But even as a boy, rap is his passion.

His first rap was written just eight years. When she was 11, he met Lil Wayne Bryan Williams, rapper and owner of successful Cash Money Records. He has impressed people including FreestyleRape on her answering machine, and soon young Dwayne was contained in the songs distributed by the recording studio. Dwayne left school at age 14 to pursue his musical passion, but he continued to pursue his education, he earned his GED and enroll at the University of Houston, where he studied political science in psychology and then . Because of its popularity, has taken online classes.

Lil Wayne has his first time with the musical group founded known as the Hot Boys in 1997. TheGroup was responsible for the guerrillas, a label which reached number one on Billboard magazine for hip-hop albums. At age 17, Lil Wayne released his first solo album, Tha Block Is Hot, and went double platinum and has spawned numerous awards for young artists. This paved the way for a successful career, the popular hits like "Get Off The Corner", "Fireman included." "Go DJ" and Lil Wayne While rap is style more important, mixtapes, including Dedication released and Drama,that have established as a freestyle rapper. His latest album is a rock album called Rebirth, which is scheduled for June 2009.

Curious About Lil Wayne

* Lil Wayne has three sons, two daughters and a son

* Lil Wayne played football and basketball before leaving the school

* His record label called Young Money Records

* His first album, Tha Block Is Hot, contains no swear words, even if it has an explicit textSticker

* Lil Wayne is only 5'6 "

* He signed with Cash Money at the age of 11 years

* Lil Wayne was in 2007 for illegal possession of a firearm, which he discovered after he was taken into custody were arrested for smoking marijuana

* The Carter III, which was published in June 2008, has sold over a million copies in its first week, which was not done on an album since 2008

* Lil Wayne is the formation of a child prodigy named Tyga Tyga and appears in the music video, CoconutFruit juice, such as a police officer in uniform

* He wears a red scarf mark, connected with a right arm or a leg or slipped into the right pocket

Mother * Lil Wayne, Jacinda "Cita" Carter, has as a single mother

* After Hurricane Katrina, Lil Wayne moved to Houston, Texas

If you want to see music videos with Lil Wayne in them, you can download them all over the Internet. Simply looking for the artist and you will find clips and full video available for download. Clocksome clips and then buy your favorites. This allows you to see this talented artist, whenever you want.

The story of Lil Wayne

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Coffee, tea, or mineral?

!±8± Coffee, tea, or mineral?

Drinking tea or coffee with meals can reduce the amount of iron (needed for red blood cells) and zinc (needed for immunity), the food we eat and supplements you take with your meals to absorb. This is because the tea and coffee contain caffeine and tannins.

Coffee has more caffeine than tea (real) tea of ​​coffee have more tannins. Besides water, tea is the most popular drink in the world (green is the most common form).

What distinguishes the categoriesThe tea is their degree of oxidation (which is the process which interacts with oxygen and the tea leaf is dark). Black tea is oxidized, Oolong tea is semi-oxidized, and green tea is not oxidized. All true tea leaves of Camellia sinensis ("tea plant") and then come to the process, not leaves, which is to determine the category of tea, the same plant can produce all three types of tea too. Rooibos, known as "red tea", is a herbal tea instead of tea, and comes from the leaves of aAfrican bush legume. Red Tea contains no caffeine or tannins. Herbal tea is not technically a tea, but it is by soaking flowers, roots, leaves and bark of another plant such as the tea plant.

Tannins are polyphenols (antioxidants of plant origin). The tannins are positive contributions, such as inhibiting the growth of plaque, but inhibit the absorption of iron, calcium and zinc and digest because the protein binding, are reduced to a person's ability to assimilate andProteins. Note that only the shape of tannins inhibit non-heme (plant origin) of iron, non-heme form (the most iron supplements are derived from plants). Since vitamin C helps to neutralize the tannins "effects on iron absorption by adding lemon juice to the tea, the negative effect of tannins in iron absorption is reduced (or orange juice can be a meal in the morning add). Although rooibos contains a small amount of tannin, the amount is so small that it does not affect iron absorption

Caffeine canthe absorption of manganese, zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, vitamin A and B vitamins decrease a lot. According to a 2002 study from Tufts University in coffee can inhibit iron absorption up to 87% when consumed, or until one hour after meals.

The caffeine content of coffee and tea are estimated:

Double espresso (2 oz) = 45-100 mg

Brewed coffee (8 oz) 60-120 mg =

Instant coffee (8 oz) = 70 mg

Decaffeinated coffee (8 ounces) = 5.1 mg

Black Tea (8 oz) = 45mg

Oolong Tea (8 oz) = 30 mg

Green Tea (8 oz) = 20 mg

White Tea (8 oz) = 15 mg

Rooibos (8 oz) = 0 mg

Herbal Tea (8 oz) = 0 mg

Does not mean that you will give your coffee or tea (unless you choose otherwise). What you should do is to avoid drinking anything with caffeine or tannins for at least 30 minutes after eating or minerals (and waiting for a full hour will make sure you get the most out of your dietMeals). Use organic coffee and tea to prevent the importation of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers.

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Nutritional labels: you need to know "catch" you

!±8± Nutritional labels: you need to know "catch" you

Most foods are required to provide key nutritional information, such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says, "unique, easy to read format that consumers more quickly find the information they need to make food choices healthy position. "

But despite the FDA and regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, food manufacturers can, and do away with the addition of information on labels confusing or misleading. Sometimes this isdone inadvertently, but often with the specific intent, do you think the food is better for you than it is actually done.

Read the labels can be difficult, so here are the six best nutrition labeling "capture" to watch your next trip to the grocery store.

Portion size 1. Many processed foods that are packaged as a single serving is actually two or more servings. According to the nutrition labeling and Education Act (NLEA)1990, a food container in a relatively small, as a part will be given if the entire contents can "reasonably be consumed in a meal unique." However, there is often a discrepancy.

Consider "Big grave" or Doritos chips, and "Big Gulp" drinks. Most people buy them with the intention of eating or drinking the whole thing. But a middle portion of a drink is 12 ounces. Some of the largest beverage can Gulpup to 64 ounces - more than five cans of soda! As with fries, a portion will vary depending on the package. A single-dose bags of snack chips, of course, has fewer calories than a larger but still single-dose, the same size snacks.

Other items to keep an eye on large muffins (which are often two servings), bagels, ice "individual" containers (some contain four servings) and pizzas personal dimension.

2 ExemptIngredients. Food labels list ingredients in descending order. The ingredient used is the first to last at least. However, the ingredients that constitute less than 2 percent will be listed in any order after the "contains less than 2% of what follows."

Other ingredients such as "added random" should not be listed on labels. These include substances applied to food packaging and "other ingredients of ingredients"present "significant amount" and have no "technical or functional effect."

Natural and artificial flavors are often grouped together under one name, and producers are not obliged to disclose what "artificial flavors" really means. The exception here is a new regulation by the FDA at 1 January 2006 that all foods that have a "major allergen" must be listed on the label (with or without its share of side or start flavoring StatesAdditives). Major food allergens are milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat, and food ingredients containing protein derived from one of these categories of foods.

3 All Natural. Foods that contain all natural, in fact, are unnatural ingredients. According to Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger", "[The concept of all-natural] actually has no meaning nutrition, but it is unclear to the regulatedFDA. "

"The reality is that, of course, is not always safe, and the labeling of 'natural' products are not required by law, must contain only natural ingredients,''said Linda Golodner, president of the National Consumers League." ... Consumers think of words like "safe" and "good for me" when they think of the natural, but across the board - from drugs to food -. Many of these statements are misleading at best''natural

4 Free of ...The FDA allows food manufacturers to round all the ingredients that are less than 0.5 grams per serving accounts to zero. So while a product can claim to be "gluten free" or "alcohol-free" can legally up to 0.5 grams per serving. Although this may seem like an insignificant amount, add up over time, this small fraction can.

Case in point, many foods, trans fats are not dangerous are eligible list partially hydrogenated oil in its ingredientsLabel. Partially hydrogenated oil creates trans fats, so that these labels can be rounded using the zero option.

"If it can be less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving, the food manufacturers to round to zero," says Milton D. Stokes, RD, of New York City-based nutritionist. "It 'a rule of the FDA, and it happens to all foods."

5 Conditions for unusual ingredients unpleasant. Food manufacturers have been known to "clean labels" in actionknow how to hide the ingredients consumers would rather not have food in their name that do not recognize.

For example, if you try to avoid MSG, it is necessary to search for all the following terms, as they all contain MSG: Autolyzed yeast calcium caseinate gelatin hydrolyzed protein glutamate glutamic acid mono sodium glutamate, potassium glutamate, sodiumCaseinate yeast extract textured protein, yeast nutrients, nutritional yeast
6 Ingredient misleading claims. Sometimes, foods that contain healthy ingredients say it does not contain or not contain it only in tiny quantities. Are common culprits blueberry waffles with blueberries and strawberry yogurt with no strawberries. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) recently asked the FDA to "immediatelyStop misleading labeling of food products ", including:

Kellogg's Eggo Nutri-Grain Pancakes: The label says they are made with whole wheat bread and whole grains, but are made mainly of white flour and corn syrup contain high-fructose than whole wheat or whole grain bread. Betty Crocker Super Moist Carrot Cake Mix: carrot powder contains only the 19 ingredients on the label. Gerber Graduates for Toddlers Fruit Juice Snacks: The primaryIngredients corn syrup and sugar.

"Eating food manufacturers shamelessly tricking consumers who try to add more fruits, vegetables and whole grain products," said CSPI director of legal counsel Bruce Silverglade. "Processed foods contain too many healthy ingredients highlighted on labels only small and usually with fat, refined sugar, refined flour and salt loaded in different combinations."

Nutritional labels: you need to know "catch" you

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