Sunday, December 4, 2011

Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Burns

!±8± Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Burns

Nutrition and Supplementation

Increase your protein intake and consume 5000 to 6000 calories daily to aid in tissue repair and healing. It is important to drink plenty of liquids, preferably water, during the healing process.

Once you have treated the burn locally, these daily supplements should speed healing:

Most Important

free-form amino acid complex (as directed on label)-promotes the healing of tissues

potassium (99 mg)-replaces potassium lost from burns

colloidal silver (as directed on label)-a natural antibiotic and disinfectant that promotes healing

vitamin A (100,000 IU for one month, then reduce to 50,000 IU (Before taking this high dosage, check with your healthcare provider. It must only be taken under supervision. Do not exceed 8000 IU daily if you are pregnant)-needed for tissue repair; best assimilated if used in emulsion form

mixed carotenoid formula (25,000 IU)-a precursor of vitamin A and an antioxidant

vitamin B complex (100 mg with food)-promotes the healing of skin tissue

vitamin C with bioflavonoids (10,000 mg immediately after a burn, 2000 mg 3 times a day until healed)-an antioxidant essential in the formation of collagen; promotes the healing of burns

vitamin E (start with 600 IU and increase slowly to 1600 IU)-heals and prevents scarring (You can open a capsule and apply directly to the scar once healing has begun.)

zinc (30 mg 3 times daily, not to exceed a total of 100 mg from all supplements)-heals tissues

Also Recommended

selenium (200 mcg)-protects skin from antioxidant damage

glutathione (200 mg)-protects skin from antioxidant damage

(Take supplements until your symptoms subside. If symptoms persist, seek the advice of your health care provider.)


For first and second-degree burns, immediately apply lavender oil to the area. Alternatively, you can fill a bowl with cold water and ice, add 3 to 6 drops of lavender oil, and make a cold compress. Apply the compress to the burned area. Replace as soon as the compress warms, until the pain subsides.

Ayurvedic Medicine

To ease the pain and speed healing of , small, minor burns, an Ayurvedic practitioner may suggest applying aloe veragel, ghee (clarified butter), or coconut oil to the site of the burn. The practitioner may also suggest drinking fresh cilantro juice.

Herbal Therapy

Apply fresh aloe vera directly to small, minor burns (or sunburned skin). Simply slit open an aloe plant leaf, and apply the liquid. You also can use commercially produced aloe vera gel available in most drugstores. Plantain juice or salve may also be beneficial.

Herbal products are available in health food stores and in some pharmacies and supermarkets. Follow package for specific directions.


Your homeopathic practitioner may recommend one of the following internal treatments for small firstor second degree burns, depending on your symptoms:

Urtica urens-for first-degree burns

Cantharis-for second-degree burns

Causticum-for burns that are more than 20 minutes old

You also may apply a lotion containing Urtica and Calendula to the affected area.


If the skin isn't broken, immediately plunge the burned area into cold water or hold it under cold running water. You can also apply a cold compress until the pain subsides, about 10 minutes.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture Acupuncture may be used to help lessen swelling and promote faster healing. Acupuncture also has an anesthetic component (it releases endorphins and other "feel good" bodily chemicals) and can be used to relieve pain.

Chinese Herbal Therapy Aloe vera may be used topically to soothe the burn and speed healing. Various oils and liniments are available that speed healing and relieve pain, such as Red Flower Ointment and White Flower Ointment.

Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Burns

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